New Moon Yoga and Sound Journey
Invite and Surrender
The dark moon is a time of increased sensitivity and perception- an opportunity to embrace un-knowing as a way to become truly present with what is, and find your light within it.
This amavasya, we offer you a space to breathe the whole spectrum of your experience, inviting waves of raw intensity and surrendering to sensation with a slow flow yoga practice to prime your cells for a deeply vibrational journey through your subconscious space with sound.
Join sound therapist Simone and yoga teacher Bess for 90 minutes of harmonising lunar self service: prepare the ground with a sonic supported mediation, honour life cycles with fluid warming namaskar, sink seeds in yin style marination’s for receptivity of resonance followed by an extended sonorous savasana to clear and clarify you personal intention.
Get ready to receive, and set your space for minimal distractions and maximum release, to aid in the process cosmic connection.
Wednesday 22 April 6.30- 8 pm via Zoom
Link will be sent prior to beginning of gathering so please send email with your interest!
Exchange £14 to:
*If you this offering resonates for you but you are currently with low finances please get in touch